[Libro de retratos de Carlos V y de los Generales que le acompañaron en Francia]
Date Ilustration format :
Date Theme:
Physical description:
1 19 x 16 cm drawing on a 26 x 16 cm page
"Didier’s traditionalist sympathies led him to help the defeated Spaniards who he had had previous contact with through Father Cirilo, in their retreat into France.” Proof of the relationship between Petit and Carlos V is provided in portraits, by the fact that Carlos V was the godfather of one son and the Count de Chambord was godfather to another, and by the fact that Petit was named Viscount del Amparo. Notes.
Art and Architecture-Painting-Portraits History-Wars-1st Carlist War (1833-1840) Leisure-Clothing
Place names :
Aux les Bains - Francia
Catalogue number:
Fondo no consultable - Libro 6
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia = Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa