Estandarte Real, el : revista político-militar ilustrada
Date Ilustration format :
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Physical description:
1 17 x 26 cm engraving on a 21 x 31 cm page
May 1890 edition. "it is a direct copy of a photograph of an oil painting [by Estevan] that hangs in one of the rooms in the Loredan palace. In 1874 "Prince Alfonso & Princess María de las Nieves arrived in Estella. [...] A few afterwards, General Moriones gave them the chance to attend one of the Carlist forces’ most renowned victories"
History-Wars-Battles History-Wars-2nd Carlist War (1872-1876) Trades-Soldiers
Materia personajes:
Borbón Austria-Este, Carlos María de los Dolores - Duque de Madrid Borbón y Austria-Este, Alfonso Carlos Borbón y de Braganza, María de las Nieves Don Carlos (VII)