San Sebastian – Panoramic view of the positions of the army and the Carlists on the heights close to the town (taken from the entrance to the wharf)
Passos, J.
Miguel Seguí - Editor, Barcelona
Book / Album / Dossier:
Historia de España en el siglo XIX : sucesos políticos, económicos, sociales y artísticos, acaecidos durante el mismo : detallada narración de sus acontecimientos y extenso juicio crítico de sus hombres
Date Ilustration format :
Physical description:
1 8 x 15 cm engraving on a 26 x 18 cm page
Author of the book: Francisco Pi y Margall (posthumous work) and Francisco Pi y Arsuaga. Illustrated by J. Passos, J. Cuchy and V. Gine. Autographed. "Abandoning the line of the Oria and losing Astigarraga allowed Don Carlos’s army to approach San Sebastián and attack it with greater chances of success". Legend.
History-Wars-2nd Carlist War (1872-1876) Natural landscape-Coasts Urban landscape-Towns