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Intérieur de l'église principale : a St. Sébastien = Interior of the principal church : at St. Sebastien
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Saint-Sébastien : le palais de Miramar, résidence actuelle de S. M. la reine d'Espagne = Miramar palace, current residence of HM the Queen of Spain
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Storming the town & castle of St. Sebastian in Spain, sep[tembe]r 1813, dedicated to General Sir Thomas Graham, Bart. K.B. &c. and to the officers employed in that ever memorable seige, by their devoted humble servant Edw[ar]d Orme
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Plan of the fortress of St. Sebastian, Shewing the Attack carried on by the British and Portuguese in 1813, with the Country around connected with the Operations : siege commenced July 11th. Town carried by assault 31st Aug[]st and Castle surrendered 9th. Sept[]r.
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