Estandarte Real, el : revista político-militar ilustrada
Date Ilustration format :
Physical description:
1 12 x 15 cm engraving on a 31 x 21 cm page
February 1890 edition. Autographed. Based on a photograph sent by Valde-Espina. "it shows a halt in the march in which Don Carlos is surrounded by [...] General Tristany..., Mr. Cruz, [...] Marquis de Tamarit, Respaldiza and the son of the Marquis de Valde-Espina, D. José de Orbe; the three officers of Don Carlos’s orders"
Coats of arms History-Wars-2nd Carlist War (1872-1876) Trades-Soldiers
Materia personajes:
Borbón Austria-Este, Carlos María de los Dolores - Duque de Madrid Cruz Don Carlos (VII) Orbe y Elio, José María de Tamarit - Marqués de Tristany