Historia de España en el siglo XIX : sucesos políticos, económicos, sociales y artísticos, acaecidos durante el mismo : detallada narración de sus acontecimientos y extenso juicio crítico de sus hombres
Date Ilustration format :
Physical description:
1 11 x 7 cm engraving on a 26 x 18 cm page
Author of the book: Francisco Pi y Margall (posthumous work) and Francisco Pi y Arsuaga. Illustrated by J. Passos and P. Bejar. Autographed. Carlist pretender after his father, Juan de Borbón’s abdication in 1868. Opposed to Amadeo 1st, after the victory of the revolution he entered Spain and began the 2nd Carlist War. During this period Carlism was to split due to Nocedal’s fundamentalism.
Art and Architecture-Painting-Portraits History-Wars-2nd Carlist War (1872-1876)
Materia personajes:
Borbón Austria-Este, Carlos María de los Dolores - Duque de Madrid Don Carlos (VII)