5th. Cº. Capt[ai]n Hornbrook : R.M. [Cuaderno de láminas]
Date Ilustration format :
Physical description:
1 21 x 27 cm watercolour; col
Pencil drawing painted in watercolours. Its number in the sketch book is hand-written on the back, nº21. We have taken the title from the legend. See also, "View from the Ropewalk...of the action of 5th May 1836" as a continuation of the image. The action on the 5th of May 1836 was the first one which the British Legion took part in on the outskirts of San Sebastián.
Communications-Means of transport-Vessels History-Wars-1st Carlist War (1833-1840)
Place names :
Donostia-S.Sebastian - Gipuzkoa
Fondo no consultable - Lámina [17b]
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia = Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa