Major C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Giles, J. W.
Graf, J., [S. L.]
Libro/ Álbum / Doc. Archivo:
Civil war in Spain. Characteristic sketches of the different troops, regular and irregular, native and foreign, composing the armies of don Carlos and queen Isabella, also various scenes of military operations, and costumes of the spanish peasantry. London: J. Dicckinson, 1837
Fecha Soporte:
Fecha Tema:
Descripción física:
1 grabado de 17 x 25 cm en h. de 28 x 38 cm ; col
Descripción del autor de su esbozo "Carlist cavalry, the best organized corps of the carlists.-nº1 regiment of the province of Guipuscoa. Nº2 ditto [idem] of Alava. Nº3 ditto [idem] of Navarra. The whole of the cavalry are armed with short and heavy lances; the horses and accoutrements are smuggled from France; each regiment has about 250 horses". Ver también "Carlistische cavallerie" en el KM.
Ciencia y tecnología-Armas Historia-Guerras-Guerra carlista I (1833-1840) Objetos-Uniformes Oficios-Militares