Major C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
W. R. D.
Graf, J., [S. L.]
Libro/ Álbum / Doc. Archivo:
Civil war in Spain. Characteristic sketches of the different troops, regular and irregular, native and foreign, composing the armies of don Carlos and queen Isabella, also various scenes of military operations, and costumes of the spanish peasantry. London: J. Dicckinson, 1837
Fecha Soporte:
Fecha Tema:
Descripción física:
1 grabado de 17 x 25 cm en h. de 28 x 38 cm ; col
Volumen II, grabado nº5. Descripción del autor: Queen's guerrillas-about 200 foot and 40 horse, commanded by a rich farmer, named Martin Zubano, who scours the country on the lines of the Ebro and the Rioca, neither receiving nor giving quarter. The sketch represents la Coniha da Peubla, the river Ebro passing the rocky defile, with the town of Brimes on the distance.
Ciencia y tecnología-Armas Historia-Guerras-Guerra carlista I (1833-1840) Ocio-Indumentaria