History of the British Legion and war in Spain, from personal observations and other authentic sources, containing a correct []ail of the events of the expedition under General Evans [...] with numerous anecdotes of individuals etc., etc., etc.
Euskarri data:
Azalpen fisikoa:
Grabatua, 11 x 15 cm-koa, 13 x 21 cm-ko orrian.
Liburuaren egilea : Alexander Somerville. Liburuaren inprimatzailea : James Pattiek argitaratua, Londres. Goiko ezkerreko ertza : 12. zk. Gertatua kontatzen duen orrialdea adierazten du (196. or.). "While they were engaged in collecting their spoil, she mounted into the saddle, an starting at a gallop..." (Gizonezkoak harrapakina biltzen ari ziren bitartean, emakumea zaldi gainera igo eta lauhazka hasi zen...)