Campaign of the left wing of the allied army, in the western Pyrenees and south of France, in the years 1813-14 under Field-Marshal the Marquess of Wellington
Euskarri data:
Gaiaren data:
Azalpen fisikoa:
Grabatua, 20 x 27 cm-koa, 23 x 30 cm-ko orrian.
Liburuaren egilea : Batty kapitainak marraztu eta grabatua. "The troops [...] are seen ascending the heights, indicate the roads by which the Portuguese brigade of Brigadier-General Wilson [...] advanced [...] in the attack of 7th Oct." (Soldaduek [...] mendiak igoz, erakutsi egiten dute Wilson brigadier-jeneralaren brigada portugaldarrak [...] urriaren 7ko erasoan aurrera egin zuen bidea)
Historia-Gerrak-Frantsesada (1808-1814) Lanbideak.Militarrak Natura paisaia-Mendiak